Step 9: We made direct amends to such people whenever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others.
“Therefore, if you are offering your gifts at the altar and there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there in front of the altar. First go and be reconciled to your brother; then come and offer your gift."
(Matthew 5:23-24)
“Happy are the merciful.”
(Matthew 5:7)
1. How has Jesus Christ used your weaknesses and turned them into strengths?
2. How can you receive God's gift of grace? (Romans 5:2)
By accepting Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, and accepting his death, burial, and resurrection as God's way to wash away all of my sins. God's grace makes me strong when I am weak. His grace is enough :) His grace enables me to do what I cannot do, in and of my own strength.
3. How can you model God's gift of grace in making your amends?
Make amends whenever I can, without expecting anything in return. God extended forgiveness and grace to me, with no consideration whatsoever for any good (or bad) that I had done. I can extend that same grace to other people, just making amends because I NEED to make amends, in order to free ME from holding on to the bad.
4. In what ways have you experienced God's grace in your recovery?
In my willingness to forgive myself, to let go of guilt and shame I've carried for yeas, and to show myself grace and mercy, knowing that I'm not expected to be perfect and my past mistakes have been erased by God.
5. God loved and accepted us while we were still sinners (Ephesians 2:5). How can you model that acceptance to those whom you need to offer forgiveness or make amends?
By sacrificing my own pride and selfishness. By extending grace and acceptance without offering a forgiveness that is conditional on behavior or performance or perfection. And by continuing to show love toward people, even when I don't think they deserve it, or they choose not to accept my forgiveness.
7. Why is it important that you focus only on your part in making amends or offering forgiveness?
Because by taking responsibility for my part in the situation, it better enables me to focus on showing grace and forgiveness to the other person. If I were to play the victim and claim no responsibility at all, it would be really easy to point the finger and harbor resentment towards the other person. Each thing that happens in a relationship takes TWO people, and in these cases I was the other person.
8. List some things God has shown you through working Principle 6.
Talking is freeing, and addressing ongoing problems takes their power away. I've learned how to more often speak in love, even when the conversation is difficult, rather than showing judgment or persecution.
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