Monday, April 18, 2016



Principle 3:  Consciously choose to commit all my life and will to Christ's care and control.

Step 3:  We made a decision to turn our lives and our wills over to the care of God.

1.  What is stopping you from asking Jesus Christ into your heart as your Lord and Savior? (If you have already done so, describe your experience).  Not a thing!  Did that a long time ago, as a young'n, but then did it again 6 years ago, on February 21, 2010.  John and I were taking a generic "Christianity 101" class at our church at the time, and at the completion of the course, the class read the salvation prayer together, aloud.  I didn't think anything of it, I had done this before, I knew the drill.  But as I spoke the words, something in me changed.  I felt SOMETHING.  It was bizarre, like I entered the twilight zone.  I felt a warmness come over me, and an overwhelming sense of the Holy Spirit filling up my soul.  I froze.  Seriously.  I sat there, unable to speak, wondering what on earth was happening to me.  The pastor was asking various people how they felt after the prayer, and when he asked me, I told him I didn't want to talk about it.  I broke down in tears and told the group I didn't know what was happening, but it was freaking me out.  THAT was the day that my life changed.  THAT was the day I knew Jesus was with me, was filling me up, and was part of my life forever more.

2.  How has relying on your "own understanding" caused problems in your life?  Be specific.  As I believe we've already discussed, relying on my own understanding has led me to many MISunderstandings, many failed relationships, many unrealistic expectations, many decisions that sent me headed in the wrong direction because I thought I knew best.  My own understanding has had me fooled into thinking I could do it - all of it - on my own, and that I didn't need help from anyone.  It tricked me into believing that my way was the right way, and that people who cared about me would WANT to do things to make me happy.  My own understanding is terribly misinformed, and praise God that now I know better.  I still don't make the right decisions all the time, don't get me wrong, but at least I know I have a higher power who loves me and has a plan for me, and I have the knowledge I need to make decisions that please Him -- or to ask him for forgiveness when, despite knowing better, I go rogue :)

3.  What does "repent" mean to you? What do you need to repent of?  Repentance is the act of asking God for forgiveness, but also having the desire to turn from whatever the act was, and choose to follow God's will instead of my own.  Without the desire NOT to do it again, it isn't repentance.  I haven't done my personal inventory yet, but there is plenty I need to repent of.  How I've treated people, things I've said about people behind their backs, lies I've told, manipulation I've used, finances I've abused, tithes I haven't paid, love I haven't shown, materialism and idolatry I've exhibited, and those are just a few.  In 48 years, I've developed quite a list.  But more on that later.

4.  What does the declaration of "not guilty" found in Romans 3:22 mean to you?  ~~

5.  When you turn your life over to your Higher Power, Jesus Christ, you have a "new life" (Cor 5:17).  What does that "new life" mean to you?  New life means I am a new creature in God, my old life has been wiped away and I have been wiped clean, white as snow.  God has forgiven me of all my past transgressions, and loves me in spite of them.  His Holy Spirit fills my heart and my soul, and his grace and mercy flood over me.  I start each day as His child, pursuing the goodness of his will in my life, and wanting to please him.

Principle 3 Prayer:
Dear God, I have tried to do it all by myself, on my own power, and I have failed.  Today, I want to turn my life over to you.  I ask you to be my Lord and my Savior.  You are the one and only higher power!  I ask that you help me start to think less about me and my will.  I want to daily turn my will over to you, to daily seek your direction and wisdom for my life.  Please continue to help me overcome my hurts, hang-ups, and habits, and may that victory over them help others as they see your power at work in changing my life.  Help me to do your will always. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

6.  What does the Principle 3 prayer mean to you?  It means I finally "get it" and I understand that I cannot do this earthly life alone, I need Him to guide me and be my warrior and my protection.  I need God's will in my life, and I need to continue to work on becoming more like His son, Jesus Christ.  Rather than relying on my own understanding, I seek my direction and wisdom from God.  And only He has the ability to heal my hurts, to fill the empty holes in my heart and my soul, and to complete me as He intended for me to be completed.

1 comment:

  1. This was a tough lesson for me to finally admit that I can't do things without him and it was a beautiful realization through your blog. <3
